
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

How rare to find a retro-TV remake of something that began further back than the all-important 1970s. The sitcom Bewitched (itself spun off from the 1942 Veronica Lake movie I Married a Witch) is so prehistoric that its original stars are sadly not in a position to be brought back for the traditional tongue-in-cheek cameos.
Nicole Kidman plays Samantha, the nose-wiggling sorceress who tries renouncing her powers and settling down with a mere mortal. The mortal guy she falls in love with is wacky Will Ferrell, who is a washed-up actor trying to revive his career by starring in a remake of ... Bewitched! And guess which unknown beauty he wants cast opposite him? And so the movie wilfully plunges itself into a postmodern wilderness of mirrors.
The two leads work together nicely enough and Nicole always looks great, certainly much more relaxed than in the teeth-grating Stepford Wives revival, though her Martha Stewart-ish costume and décor are comparable. But that big smirking central conceit undermines any genuine love story in Nora Ephron's film. Michael Caine is on cruise-control as her warlock dad, and the same goes for Shirley MacLaine as the Agnes Moorhead mother-in-law. The spell wears off long before the final credits.

cameo- mała, ale znacząca rola znanego aktora
conceit- koncept, pomysł
décor- wystrój, wykończenie
genuine- prawdziwy, autentyczny, oryginalny
mere- zwykły
mortal- śmiertelnik; śmiertelny
plunge into- pogrążać się, wpadać
renounce- wyrzekać się, rezygnować
revive- ożywiać na nowo, odradzać
settle down- ustatkować się, zamieszkać
smirk- uśmiechać się ironicznie, z wyższością
sorceress- czarodziejka
spell- czar, oczarowanie
spin off- powstać jako produkt uboczny
teeth-grating- przyprawiający o zgrzytanie zębami
tongue-in-cheek- ironiczny, mówiąc ironicznie
undermine- podkopywać
wacky- dziwaczny
warlock- czarownik, czarnoksiężnik
wear off- znikać, mijać
wilderness- pustkowie

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